Random stuff 2021
━━━ marapet - 5/1/21, 1:28 AM
[juno] starting to think theres nothing more confusing than virtual pets
━━━ computer, internet - 4/24/21, 6:25 PM
how come when I'm overwhelmed even the internet starts feeling claustrophobic?
━━━ fly like a LIF - 4/15/21, 1:37 AM
just found the coolest thing ever. I remember these games from my early childhood! Like when I was 5 or 6 all the way until I was 10 or whenever the Gamevial site died out. I cant express how happy I am to see they're still alive somewhere. Looking at the screenshots though the games seem really eerie. I dunno. Something about large, empty, 3d maps really do somethin to me..
━━━ peak wisdom - 4/12/21, 4:34 AM
I feel so smart yet so dumb
━━━ renovation - 4/11/21, 9:51 PM
I think I'm gonna add more stuff onto a few of this sites pages. I know I'm going for the space theme but it looks a bit Too empty and its bothering me. OH, I also wanted to end up adding a shrine section that some other sites have been doing. I think me only doing the same type of coding over and over is only making things boring. I don't know how to be different though!
━━━ ao3 my love - 4/7/21, 1:58 AM
I want to bind my favorite fanfic into a book. is this the type of thing where I become so dedicated to the idea of doing the thing and I never end up doing the thing.
━━━ xxxxxrtrjifiefe - 4/6/21, 11:49 AM
[nico] I had a dream about gay Rhett & Link then I woke up in the front and now I'm being forced to do schooolwork *sniffles* buuuehueuhuehuheuhe
━━━ incromphensible shit - 4/4/21, 2:18 AM
when you come out your shit is gone!when you come out your shit is gone!
━━━ thewired - 4/1/21, 8:50 PM
[juno] everything is connected. do I have any purpose beyond just being here? I dont know.
━━━ my lmiceberg - 4/1/21, 7:26 PM
spent a good 20 minutes in another reality. hopping dimensions should be illegal.
━━━ FINALLY - 3/28/21, 3:51 AM
I am trying very hard to make this look good. is this working? I hope so